Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Selfishness Abounds

You know how I've been in a funk lately? You know how I've been kinda sad and in a weird place? Well, after a much needed devotional time this morning God gently pointed out that it was all rooted in my selfishness. I was the problem, who would have known?

I certainly didn't. I kept thinking, it isn't me. It's the kids not behaving, or God isn't answering my prayers, or I deserve time to myself. I don't deserve anything except hell, but God in all His wonderful mercy, grace, and love chose to save me from myself and my sins. Even if I sometimes slip back into my old ways. I praise God for the gentle and much needed reminder. God is good!


Jeana said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by! What a very true post. It's amazing what we can do to ourselves, isn't it?

Unknown said...

The beauty of this realization is that God gently bought you to it. How horrible would it have been if I had said, "Erica, you're in a funk because of your selfishness and you need to get out of it." If you're ever in a funk you can almost always be sure it is rooted in selfishness. That is what I've concluded during all my struggles in being a Mom.
He loves us so tenderly!
R <><

Sarah said...


Hate it when I find out I've been selfish. Like ya said though, the Lord is so gentle in letting us know.

Love you.

Grace said...

Great Post! I think we all need to be reminded of that every now and then.