Monday, October 27, 2008

A Great Day For Up

I'm not feeling all that well today and I was throwing a pity party for myself. I was doing great while attending my selfish, sinful gathering.

Then Derek came home to tell me he got his first sale! He was so excited and I for him/us. I praised God (not like I should have though because I was busy attending my party).

Later, Derek and I were at lunch and I hear "Mom, I pooped in the toilet!" (We've been potty training this weekend) I reluctantly left my lunch not expecting much because let's face sometimes 3 year olds don't always tell the whole truth.

But he had indeed pooped in the toilet! He was playing and had to go. So he left what he was doing and sat on the toilet! I was so proud.

God is the best party crasher. And I'm glad!

1 comment:

Sarah said...


Sorry for the caps but sometimes they're needed!

I understand the pity parties, I have them often. Glad yours was crashed.

Man I hate not having long distance.