Friday, October 10, 2008

I Don't Like It When...

When I get the giggles at the most inappropriate times. Like say during worship at Ladies' Bible Study.

I couldn't control myself and Sarah wasn't helping. Every time I looked at her I was sent into another round of laughter. You know the kind, you try to be quiet, but it's impossible. Your shoulders shake uncontrollably and you cry.

It took a while for me to regain control, but I felt really bad about it after.

(note to self: next time I mess up on a song, don't look at Sarah)


Sarah said...

Hey, stuff happens. I don't think you need to feel bad. Happens to the best of us! :)

Always Faith said...

Hey I'm glad I'm not the only one who does that! LOL. I just found your blog while searching for a new and interesting blog to tag for the seven things meme. Yours is very pretty and you made me laugh...great combination. *Grin* If you're interested in playing, it's here:

Have a great day!