Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Neighbors, God's blessings, and My Flaws

Derek met our new neighbors today. They are a blessing from God.

This will seem a little off subject, but just go with it for a minute.

Our grass was starting to resemble the jungle. In some areas it was over your ankles. This is because we don't have a lawnmower. Now since we are going to be leaving in a couple of weeks anyway I thought to myself "Hey let's leave the grass and somebody else can mow it" I know it's not the best attitude, but me and grass have a bit of a hate/hate relationship. Mostly because when I sit on it, touch it, or look at it I break out in hives, my eyes swell up, and I sneeze uncontrollably. It's worse if the grass is mowed. So you can see it's not that I'm lazy (really I'm not), I was just protecting myself.

Anyway, back on point. Our neighbor, Jason, came up to Derek while he was outside picking up after our dogs (no explanation needed right? If you need one contact me and I'll laugh at you) He told Derek that his son would mow our lawn for us since we didn't have a lawnmower. That in itself is awesome, but Jason also had a tattoo on his arm that said "Jesus saves". Jason is also on oxygen because he has a genetic disease that requires Jason to need a double lung transplant.

God used this to show me that A) There are always people that are in more need than you and B) I'm selfish and self-involved.

Jason needs this huge transplant and he is out there offering help to his neighbors. He is out there ministering and giving of himself. He isn't using his circumstances to isolate himself ( or using it as an excuse to God that he's busy.

Man, I suck. I do all of the negative things I just listed. I'm just glad God brought it to my attention. He is so good to graciously point out our flaws. I love Him even more for it.

So I think that I'm going to bake them something. Hopefully, my awesome oven (can you sense the sarcasm? Hopefully and if you can't contact me and I'll point out the definition of sarcasm in the dictionary) will not screw it up.

We have church tomorrow and I'm teaching in the 3 &4 year olds. Please pray for me! I love to teach, I'm just hoping the message impacts the kids and makes a difference in their little, but very impressionable lives.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

God bless!

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