Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Goodbye For A Little Bit

Well, it's finally almost here---my surgery. It's getting done on Friday. I'm starting to get anxious, but I'm trusting the Lord. He is my Heavenly Father and He will take care of me. I would appreciate any prayers you could throw my way.

I probably won't blog tomorrow, I have a lot to do since I probably won't feel like it after my surgery. My to do list for tomorrow includes, but is not limited to:

1. Laundry
2. Bathroom
3. Dishes-yuck!
4. Vacuum
5. Organize my clutter
6. Set out the kids' clothes (so Brian can dress them on Friday)

Brian (my brother-in-law) is coming to stay the night tomorrow (Thursday) since I have to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. He is taking Friday off from work to be with kids while Derek and I are at the hospital. Isn't that nice of him? I'm sure he would appreciate any prayers you could throw his way.

Well, goodbye for now. I'll let you know how it all goes.


Sarah said...

That is pretty cool of Brian. Way to go him for steppin' up!

As for the dishes...don't say yuck! Just fill the sink with hot, soapy water and enjoy a few minutes of praise to the Lord. It's really not so bad. I've come to enjoy doing them, by hand even!

Sarah said...

Woo hoo! The surgery was a success, Brian and the kids did great and before you left, you baked for your family! That's so cool.

I love you, Erica.