Monday, February 11, 2008

I Got A Dirty Look Today

You know those people that go through the express lane at the store with more than the allotted 15-20 items? I always think that maybe they can't read or just don't care.

Well, after today I will think twice before I judge those people. I went to the store and I had more than 15 items so I was in my appropriate lane. The checker from the express lane grabbed my basket and took me over there because it was kinda slow. A lady got behind me and was shooting me dirty looks the entire time the checker was ringing my order up. I tried smiling, but it had no affect on her. She kept looking at my groceries and then at me.

She probably thought I couldn't read or didn't care.


amber said...

We really don't like those 'over the alloted amount of items' kinda people.. But whatever to her..

Sarah said...

LOL. Amen to Amber. We reeeally don't like those kind.

You shoulda just told her, "hey, lady, it's not my fault I'm prettier than you and moved my skinny self to this line before you got here."

Yeah, that's what I woulda said.