Friday, March 7, 2008

That Still Small Voice

Don't you love His still small voice? I know I do. God is always good to me that way.

It's been on my heart for a couple of weeks to take Alexander to an opthamologist. He's had a problem with one of his for a while now and there are a lot of eye problems on my side of the family. I also read a blog where this woman talked about getting your child's eyes checked. I knew then that I needed to make the appointment.

I called and they got him in right away. I took him in on Wednesday and sure enough he needs glasses. He is severely farsighted. The doctor said it was a good thing we brought him in when we did. Praise God!! He knows Alexander's body and knew how bad his eyes were. I'm so thankful to Him. I've learned the hard way a couple of times that when I hear that still small voice or feel that impression on my heart that I need to listen and do it right away.

We get his glasses in about a week. He is going to be so adorable. I'll take a picture and post it on here so you can see Alexander in his glasses.

1 comment:

Nina in Portugal said...

Hello Erica,
Thanks for your comment you left on my blog and for the link for the potato recipe. Cheddar cheese is hard to come by here, but I'm gonna try to make them. It was a joy to read through your blog. God Bless Your Family!
Nina Andrzejewski