Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Getting It Out There For Some Accountability

I've only told a couple of people and even that was hard, but I am writing a novel. A Christian fiction novel. Maybe reading all those books gave me the idea but I feel like I have this story inside of me. Maybe God gave me the story. I don't even know if the story is good, but I know I have to write it.

I was researching writing a novel and this website said that instead of keeping it a secret you should tell as many people as possible so you have some accountability. You are obligated to finish what you started. I thought there was no better way than to post it on my blog.

I love to write and once I get over my hang ups and let myself write the story it isn't too bad. My problem is that I keep second guessing myself around every corner. I wonder if the grammar is right or if it's realistic. I drive myself crazy. I had to get out of bed the other night to write down some paragraphs that were swirling around in my head. I couldn't sleep until I got them out of my head. They say it takes 2-3 years to finish the average novel. At the rate I'm going it's going to take 3-5 years. Hopefully not though.

So there ya go. This is me being honest about something that has plagued me for about a year. Maybe posting this will take the pressure off. I certainly hope so.


Unknown said...

I listened to the author of "the organic god" talk about the process of getting published. She had great tid bits that I think she would share with you. Here's her info:
Margaret Feinberg

Corie said...

Good luck with the novel!
How exciting!!!
I love Christian fiction, so you'll have to let me know when you finish. :)