Sunday, January 20, 2008

Part 1: Psalm 66:20

You know that surgery I was supposed to have? Well, I didn't get it. My insurance had lapsed which I didn't know about. My doctor didn't want to do the surgery so he cancelled it 2 days before the scheduled date. It was a very tough day to say the least. Then Derek needs a new job which is stressful. We have options and I know that, but what direction does God want us to go in?

I was worried, stressed, and heartbroken this week. I went to God seeing as how He is our Comforter. I found this paper in my Bible, on one side a Psalm was written. The date I wrote was 6/15/06. That is significant because that is the day we brought Ashley home. You might remember from this post My Sweet Little Girl that Ashley spent a week in the hospital. That morning I was doing my devotions before I went up to the hospital to see Ashley, God gave me Psalm 66:20 "Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me." It was a comfort that morning, but it was even more of a comfort when I went to the hospital and they told me I was going to be taking my sweet little girl home! He gave that to me now, when I am worried, stressed, and heartbroken over everything that is going on. I know that He hears me and will not turn His mercy away.

God is good!

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