Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How We Met

Sarah asked "How did you and Derek meet?"

Derek and I met at church. He was greeting outside with Shea and as Mom and I were walking up she said "maybe you will meet a guy here, ha ha" I shook his hand and remember thinking how good looking he was. I found out later that after we went into church Shea told Derek that he thought I was "The One" for him.

Our church was pretty small then and the average age of the attending was well older than me. Derek was one of the only single guys who was near my age so we would talk after church in the basement getting to know eachother. He is 8 years older than me so I didn't think anything would ever come of it. We became good friends and then on January 24th, 2003 we were talking on the phone and he asked me if I had eaten dinner. I told him no and he asked if I wanted to go to dinner with him. I obviously said yes and he drove from Yakima to Grandview, picked me up, and we went to Red Robin in Tri-Cities.

On the date the conversation was amazing. It was never awkward and we had plenty to talk about. He made me laugh and he opened my door for me, which I don't ever remember a guy doing for me before.

That is just the initial meeting and first date. There are so many amazing things that God did during our courtship. I was just getting to know God and discovering the Bible. I prayed fervently about our relationship and because of that God led and wrote our love story. I can't wait to tell my kids someday how Derek and I met. It's such a testament to God and what He can do when you let Him.

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