Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I Was Inspired

I was inspired by Sarah's New Year post. I will make a list of things I'd LIKE to get done or accomplish. Not that I will necessarily accomplish all of these things, but I think it's nice to have goals.

So that's what I'm going to call them: Goals (not necessarily in order)

1. Fully potty train Alexander
2. Teach Alexander his ABC's
3. Teach Alexander to count to 10
4. Teach Ashley her ABC's
5. Teach Ashley to count to 10
6. Buy a bigger vehicle WITH CASH
7. Bake a pie from scratch
8. Make lasagna from scratch
9. Get in shape
10. Get half of my novel written (it could happen)

So there they are, my 10 goals for this year. I will let you know if I think of anymore OR if I accomplish any of 'em.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah! I have a love/hate relationship with goals.

Good to see yours are out there!