Sunday, October 17, 2010


No, not that kind of blockage. Get your mind out of the gutter! A life blockage.

As you can see I haven't posted in a year. My life the last year and a half or so has been to put it mildly, stressful.

(Not in chronological order) My husband got cancer, my beloved grandmother died, I went crazy (for a short time), I was separated from my husband for two weeks, things were stressed with my family (it's getting better now), I lost my beloved dogs, No church family for a time, started a new job, moved etc... (I'm sure I'm missing stuff and yes I love parenthesis).

So now that I got that out I'll expound on it. Derek is in complete remission and looking for a job. He made the top 3 and has an interview with the big boss next Wednesday. I'm dealing with the loss of my grandmother, but it's still pretty hard. I'm no longer crazy (well a little, but in a good way) Derek and I are doing wonderfully thanks to God. My family and I are talking again, I'm confident things will be fully restored-again thanks to God. I have a new dog named Dubs and while he doesn't take their place he does help heal my heart where my dogs were concerned. We found a church and the people there are great. My job to put it frankly sucks, but at least I have one and God provides and is teaching me through it. We are very happy in Butte. I love it here and unless God moves us (pauses in fear) we will raise our kids here and live happily ever after with a lot of stuff in between.

So there you go. A reintroduction to my life in it's current state. Since I now have you thoroughly enthralled I will make sure to keep you informed on all the going ons.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm stoked you've posted to your blog.

More stoked that we're talking.

I hate...HATE that I didn't know you were going crazy. Hello. That's what I'm here for. And I'm crazy too. (hence the counseling for the last 8 months.)

Totally praying for Derek's meeting on Wednesday. Super proud that he's in the top 3, that rocks!

I'm so excited that you've found a church. I hate that you're far away but am so glad that you're happy there.

I'm sorry you miss your grandma. Oh so sorry. Isn't wonderful how much time you got to spend with her and love on her? Such a blessing.

I love you. A lot.

-Sarah Diane